Starseeds – Light In Our Cells
Starseeds – Light In Our Cells reflect the realms of divine love and light within our state of being – from the beginning of a Soul’s birth to our living experience as a human being.
Each cell contains a blueprint of the entire universe and its individual Soul path, also known as cell memory. In this regard, each Starseed image representation illustrates the cosmic and spiritual aura of a cell. Thus the image also reveals the light-octaves and visual impressions of the origin of the Soul and its corresponding so-called soul-star.
The starting point of the images are meditations, in which the artist duo connect from heart to heart with different stars and light-planets of the universe. The diversity of color octaves and light harmonies from the stars and their cosmic locations are then transposed into image.
Commissions for this series are available. A painting (digital or in oil) of the individual Soul octaves and color harmonies are a unique experience to connect with the origin of one‘s own Soul.
Paintings that channel the Star of an Avatar, Ascended Master or (Arch)angel are also part of the series and can thus also be requested as commission.
The commissions are accompanied – if wished – by a reading of the Soul and a medial light cell consultation.
I strongly believe – as i have experienced myself – how healing it is when a being surrounds itself with the color octaves of its individual soul star. even if the body originates from this earth, each being houses an intangible element of infinity, which transcends earthly laws and is foremost at home in the eternity of the universe.”
In eastern cultures mandalas or yantras are used as meditative healing rites by establishing a communication between symbol and psyche. Inspired and by experience of such healing possibilities, the Starseeds image series speak an abstract and cosmic language for an audience that wants to enter moments of wellness for spirit and soul.
The first drafts for the Starseeds were studied through oil on canvas in 2017 – 2018. Shortly afterwards a digital series for lightboxes has been growing ever since, as well as for large format oil on canvas paintings.
During exhibitions the Starseeds are accompanied by a poetic and meditative audio-walk. It guides the visitor in a harmonious and cosmic way through the dream worlds.