Starseeds – Light In Our Cells

The Starseeds – Light In Our Cells series reflect the realms of love and light within our state of being – from the beginning of a soul’s journey to our living experience as human being.

Each cell is a blueprint of the entire universe. Every human being is connected to the entire universe through the heart, through love. In this regard, each Starseed image illustrates the cosmic aura of a cell and thus also reveals the origin of the soul-being that carries this cell.

The starting point of the abstract images are meditations, in which the artist connects herself spiritually with different stars, planets and angels. She then captures the diversity of color octaves and light harmonies from those cosmic spaces and location.


I strongly believe – as i have experienced myself – how healing it is when a being surrounds itself with the color octaves of its individual soul star. even if the body originates from this earth, each being houses an intangible element of infinity, which transcends earthly laws and is foremost at home in the eternity of the universe.”


Mandalas or yantras are used as meditative healing rites by establishing a communication between symbol and psyche in eastern religion. Inspired by such possibilities, the Starseeds speak an abstract and cosmic dream language for the audience to enter wellness spheres of infinite dwellings.

A key experience toward the intense effect of abstract color language was the artist’s visit to the Rothko Room at the Philipps Collection in Wasington in her late youth:


those colors penetrated me so deeply that I was in tears a few minutes after i entered the room. the language of formlessness is so universal and primal, it overecomes the symbolisms of our cultures. what a moment of freedom that is! from that moment on, it became my desire to explore and further experience the depth of abstraction and dedication to the aura somatic experience of colors.”


The first drafts for the Starseeds were studied through oil on canvas in 2017 – 2018. Shortly afterwards a digital series for lightboxes has been growing ever since, as well as for large format oil on canvas paintings.

During exhibitions the starseed images are accompanied by a poetic and meditative audiowalk. It guides the visitor in a harmonious and cosmic way through the dream worlds.



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